Governor Wolf announces plans to “Restore PA”


The governor stopped by the Luzerne County Emergency Management building to meet with local officials. The I-Team’s Andy Mehalshick was there..

Surrounded by state, county and local leaders at the Luzerne County Emergency Management Agency, Governor Tom Wolf called for action on a severance tax he says is long overdue.

  “If you did it that would generate about $300 million dollars a year. If you monetize it.  That means bond it. You can turn that into $4.5 billion dollars.”

The money wouldn’t come directly from taxpayers – rather those in the coal, oil and natural gas industries. It’s money Wolf says can be used to reduce the threat of flooding.  Something the folks in this room know all too well. Many of their communities have been devastated by flooding time and time again.

  “‘Restore Pennsylvania’ would provide funding for flood prevention and not just going out to say you’ve been devastated by this, you have problems, but how do we mitigate this? How do we prevent this flooding from happening?” The Governor Asked.

 The plan would also create a financial trust fund for those hurt by flooding, but don’t qualify for federal disaster assistance. But the Governor knows convincing state lawmakers to approve the tax. Will be a hurdle he has not been able to jump. In each of the last two years, the Republican-controlled legislatures have rejected the idea of a severance tax, saying it will hurt natural resource development in the commonwealth.

West Pittston has been hard hit in recent years by flooding. It’s Mayor Tom Blaskiewicz says something has to be done to help residents and supports Wolf’s plan   “I know the residents in West Pittston would really applaud what the Governor is doing here in Luzerne County. It’s great news.”

Wolf seeks $4.5B capital program paid by Marcellus Shale tax


Gov. Tom Wolf has said he will ask Pennsylvania lawmakers to approve a severance tax on Marcellus Shale natural gas production to finance a multibillion-dollar capital plan for a wide range of projects, from controlling floodwaters to fighting blight.

Wolf, a Democrat, is kicking off his second term by floating a Marcellus Shale tax for a fifth straight year.

This time, he is packaging it with a proposal to use the money to pay down at least $4.5 billion in bonds for projects that might entice lawmakers in the nation’s No. 2 natural-gas producing state.

The projects would span rural areas and downtowns, and tie together a range of perceived needs, such as economic development and environmental improvements.

In a news conference in his Capitol offices, Wolf said he envisioned awarding the money over four years — although spending it might take longer — and paying it down over 20 years, or less. The administration had no immediate estimates of how much, with interest, the borrowing might cost.

Approval will be up to the Republican-controlled Legislature, which has thus far rejected Wolf’s overtures for a natural gas tax.

Wolf’s severance tax proposal is based on volume, and floats with the price of natural gas. It would take effect next year, and apply to wells that are covered by the impact fee.\

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Gov. Wolf again pitches plan for taxing Marcellus gas drillers


Gov. Tom Wolf on Thursday announced plans to once again seek a severance tax on Marcellus Shale natural gas drilling, promising to use the money for disaster recovery, infrastructure and the expansion of broadband internet, among other projects.

The Democratic governor plans to approach state lawmakers with a proposal to borrow $4.5 billion over four years by selling bonds. The money would be paid back over 20 years using revenue from a severance tax, which would vary depending on the price of gas and the amount of it extracted.

“It is far past time that Pennsylvanians stop allowing our commonwealth to be the only state losing out on the opportunity to reinvest in our communities,” Mr. Wolf said. “And as long as that is allowed to continue, my vision of a restored Pennsylvania that is ready to compete in the 21st century economy will never become reality.”

The proposal drew a swift backlash from key Republican legislative leaders, who have successfully blocked past efforts to impose a severance tax. Hours after the governor unveiled his plan, GOP leaders who control the calendar in the House issued a statement saying it was riddled with bad economic ideas.

“While improving Pennsylvania’s aging infrastructure is a shared goal, it cannot come at the expense of the Commonwealth’s economy and taxpayers,” the Republican leaders wrote.

“Unfortunately, the governor has not included the General Assembly in the development of this proposal. If he had, he would know that there are not enough votes to enact a new energy tax, borrow billions of dollars and spend monies on more government programs.”

This is not the first time Mr. Wolf and the legislature have fought over a shale tax. The governor has repeatedly included a severance tax as part of his annual budget, with proceeds designated to the general fund to help pay for public education.


Each time, the GOP-led legislature has blocked the effort, often expressing fears that a tax would weaken the industry in Pennsylvania — claims that mirror those raised by some drillers.

Pennsylvania currently imposes an impact fee on shale gas wells but does not tax the amount extracted.

Natural gas drillers and their industry groups spent at least $61 million on lobbying and campaign contributions to state lawmakers between 2010 and 2017, according to an analysis by the Philadelphia Inquirer/Daily News and Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.

On Thursday, one leading industry group, the Marcellus Shale Coalition, also quickly criticized the governor’s proposal, claiming it would “cost consumers, hurt local jobs….and negatively impact investment.”

The fight over a severance tax on shale drillers has in some years contributed to protracted budget impasses.

Unlike in previous years, Mr. Wolf is not planning to incorporate the tax into his annual budget — details of which will be unveiled during an address next week — but rather is seeking to fund it separately from the main books.

“I’m not looking to make ends meet with this,” he said.

Mr. Wolf could borrow the money for the projects without the legislature’s approval but would need lawmakers to sign off on a severance tax itself. The administration said the governor would only borrow the money if the legislature approves the tax.

Asked whether there would be other ways to fund the same projects if the legislature rejects his request for a severance tax, the governor said, simply, “No.”


Gov. Wolf: Raising Minimum Wage Will Save Taxpayers Millions In Public Assistance Money


Pennsylvania should raise the state’s minimum wage, says Governor Tom Wolf.

“When we give people a living wage for their work, it will lift them out of poverty, and as people earn more they can work their way off public assistance,” Wolf told a press conference in Harrisburg on Wednesday.

Wolf asked the state legislature to raise the state’s minimum wage stuck at $7.25 for a decade to $12.00 an hour with a slow increase up to $15.00 an hour by 2025.

The governor says raising the minimum wage will save taxpayers millions in public assistance money.

“If people earn a fair wage, on the other hand, people will need less public assistance, less taxpayer assistance.”

“And that’s going to save taxpayers just in the first six months $36 million — the next two years, $119 million.”

Wolf also said all the states surrounding Pennsylvania are paying higher minimum wages, attracting workers from this state.

While this state’s wage has not changed, Ohio is $8.55 an hour, West Virginia is $8.75 an hour, New Jersey is $8.85 an hour, Delaware is $9.25 an hour, Maryland is $10.10 an hour, and New York’s current minimum wage of $11.10 an hour.

Not everyone agrees the minimum wage should be raised.

Small business organizations, for example, say that small businesses will have to fire some employees in order to pay the other employees higher wages.

In the end, this will come down to the beliefs of Republicans who control the General Assembly.

“To almost double the minimum wage this year is not a good idea,” says Lenny McAllister, the regional director for the commonwealth foundation, a pro-growth, pro-business advocacy group in Harrisburg.

“One of those things you don’t want to do is drive small businesses to the point of going out of business and mirroring what we’re seeing in neighboring states,” McAllister told KDKA money editor Jon Delano on Wednesday.

Bottom line – unless Republican lawmakers agree to an increase, Pennsylvania’s minimum wage will remain at $7.25 an hour.

Republican PA senator retires, leaving another opening in chamber


Republican Pennsylvania Sen. Don White announced on Tuesday that he will retire at the end of February, leaving a third vacancy in a chamber where the GOP majority recently shrank.

White, 69, of Indiana County, has served in the Senate since 2001, most recently holding leadership roles on the Banking & Insurance and Law & Justice Committees.

A member of the National Rifle Association, he has, among other issues, pushed for legislation that would allow school districts to create their own policies on whether some employees should be allowed to carry guns on school grounds.

The senator said on the floor Tuesday afternoon that he has been “back and forth” on whether to retire for the “better part of a year.” His seat was set to come up for election again in 2020.

“When I came here, I was 50 years old, and I felt like I was 30,” he said, adding later: “But now, I’m 69 and I feel like I’m 89.”

White’s district includes parts of Armstrong, Butler, Indiana, and Westmoreland Counties. Data from the Pennsylvania Department of State show that Republicans have a roughly 25,000 lead in voter registration over Democrats in the district.

White’s resignation will leave three seats open in the chamber — leaving Republicans with 26 seats, and Democrats with 21. Democrats gained five seats in the Senate after a strong showing in the Philadelphia suburbs in the November election.

Earlier this month, Sen. Richard Alloway, a Republican from Franklin County, announced plans to retire effective Feb. 28.

One other seat remains open because former State Sen. Guy Reschenthaler, a Republican from Allegheny County, was elected to Congress. A special election to replace him is scheduled for early April.

Having lost fire to do the job, Richard Alloway announces retirement from Pa. Senate

From the Chambersburg Public Opinion

Sen. Richard Alloway II announced Friday that he will retire effective Feb. 28 and leave the state Senate midway through his third term. Alloway, a Republican, has represented the 33rd Senatorial District for 10 years. The district includes all of Adams County, most of Franklin County, and parts of Cumberland and York counties. Alloway said he’s lost the fire needed to do the job right, the Associated Press reported. He will look into going into private practice as a lawyer or a lobbyist. In his retirement announcement, Alloway said: “It has been an honor and a privilege to hold this position and to be the voice for local communities in Harrisburg for the past decade in the Senate. I am extremely grateful for the trust that has been placed in me by community residents, and from the bottom of my heart, I thank all of my constituents for giving me that amazing opportunity and for helping me to be a better elected official.” First elected in 2008, Alloway had no problem keeping his seat through two re-election cycles. He first won the seat in the majority-Republican district following a slim win – 333 votes, under 2 percent of all votes cast – over his GOP challenger in the 2008 primary. Alloway is a member of the Senate Republican leadership team, serving as the caucus secretary since 2014. He was responsible for overseeing and reviewing all executive nominations submitted to the Senate for confirmation. He previously served as Senate Majority Caucus Administrator and as Chairman of the Senate Game and Fisheries Committee, where he authored several laws to protect sportsmen and promote outdoor activities.

Sen. Casey ends consideration of a presidential run in 2020

From the Associated Press

U.S. Sen. Bob Casey of Pennsylvania is ending any consideration of joining a potentially crowded Democratic field running for president in 2020.

Casey’s statement Friday comes a couple months after he dropped hints that he was considering a run, fresh off easily winning a third term in the Senate.

The mild-mannered 58-year-old son of the late governor had said he was concerned about a Democratic nominee winning Pennsylvania. The state was crucial to President Donald Trump’s capturing the White House.

But now Casey’s saying he has “no doubt” that the Democratic Party will nominate a candidate who can win Pennsylvania and the presidency.

Pennsylvania jobless rate stable as payrolls hit record high


Pennsylvania’s unemployment rate stayed the same in December, at close to a two-decade low, although payrolls still jumped to a new record high.

The state Department of Labor and Industry said Friday that Pennsylvania’s unemployment rate was 4.2 percent last month.

The national rate is 3.9 percent.

A survey of households found Pennsylvania’s civilian labor force grew by 21,000. Employment rose by 16,000 to a new record of nearly 6.2 million, while unemployment also rose by 5,000 to 274,000.


A separate survey of employers showed seasonally adjusted non-farm payrolls rose by 13,200 in December. Education and health services and the leisure and hospitality sector grew by the biggest numbers. Manufacturing crept higher, as construction and the trade, transportation and utility sectors shrank.

Friday’s figures are preliminary and could change.

PHEAA finds its next CEO inside its Harrisburg headquarters


Once again, the state’s student financial aid agency conducted a national search for its next president and CEO and landed on someone already on its payroll. The Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency board of directors on Thursday named its interim CEO James Steeley to lead the 3,300-employee agency on a permanent basis. Steeley, 40, of Lewisberry, is a certified public accountant who worked in the banking industry before coming to work for PHEAA in 2015 as its chief financial officer. He has been serving as its acting CEO since July.

He succeeds James Preston who retired after 11 years in that position but had been serving as an executive vice president at PHEAA for four years prior to assuming that post. Steeley is the seventh person in the 56-year-old agency’s history to head this agency. He will be paid $330,000 a year, which is one of the highest paid positions in all of Pennsylvania’s state government. In that role, he will be charged with running the agency that is a loan servicer for the federal student loan program and administrator of the state grant and other state-funded student financial aid programs.

PHEAA is at a critical stage right now as it struggles to improve its financial position to resume its role in supplementing the state funding for the student grant program as it has done most years over the past decade. Steeley has played an instrumental role in assisting with a transformation that includes launching a new student loan program this spring. Steeley expressed his appreciation to the board for naming him to the permanent position. He said he was humbled by the board’s confidence in him and added that confidence is a reflection of the team around him.

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Tom Marino resigning from Pennsylvania’s congressional delegation for private-sector job


Tom Marino, a five-term Republican congressman who helped steer Donald Trump’s successful presidential campaign in Pennsylvania, said Thursday that he is resigning just days into a new term. In a statement, Marino said his last day will be Jan. 23 and that he is taking a job in the private sector. Marino and his office did not respond to questions about the announcement Thursday. Marino easily won re-election in November in his heavily Republican district in northern Pennsylvania.

The 66-year-old former county and federal prosecutor was one of Trump’s earliest supporters in Congress. Trump nicknamed Marino and former Rep. Lou Barletta “thunder and lightning” when they co-chaired his campaign in Pennsylvania. Trump nominated Marino in 2017 to become the nation’s drug czar, but Marino withdrew his name from consideration after reports he played a key role in a law that weakened federal power to stop companies from distributing opioids. At the time, Marino defended his work on the law, which passed without opposition in the House and Senate and was signed by President Obama, and said it will help “facilitate a balanced solution” between access to medication and law enforcement’s efforts to prevent abuse.

Marino, who lives in Cogan Station, was a U.S. attorney in the Middle District of Pennsylvania under President George W. Bush and has survived multiple bouts of kidney cancer. Gov. Tom Wolf, a Democrat, must schedule a special election to fill Marino’s seat. Marino’s resignation is likely to set off a furious scramble to secure votes among the committee members of the state Republican Party who will select a nominee to run in the special election.

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