Pennsylvania Workforce Development Association’s Annual Labor Market Update Highlights Healthy Economy, Persistent Workforce Challenges

Report Underscores the Need for Workforce Development Investments to Address Wage Stagnation and Joblessness Among Key Demographic Groups

Harrisburg, PA: Today, the Pennsylvania Workforce Development Association released its Annual Labor Market Update, which includes a full-year review of Pennsylvania’s labor market data and other important economic indicators. The report found that while Pennsylvania’s economy is healthy, the labor market is rebalancing to favor employers and key demographic groups are facing workforce challenges. Workforce Development can help ensure that workers have the skills to fill available jobs and advance in their careers, breaking the cycle of wage stagnation. 

“Pennsylvania’s economy is healthy, but underlying factors make it clear that our policymakers must invest in workforce development,” said Carrie Amann, Executive Director of the Pennsylvania Workforce Development Association. “Our research shows a high share of prime-age men without jobs, one in seven in Pennsylvania. Additionally, workers without a college degree have experienced long-term wage stagnation. These populations are likely to benefit from robust workforce development services. If we focus on workforce development, Pennsylvania can build on its healthy economy and ensure that all Pennsylvanians can build strong, thriving careers in our commonwealth.”

PWDA’s Annual Labor Market Update provides a comprehensive view of the commonwealth’s economy, smoothing month-to-month fluctuations. The report assesses how Pennsylvania’s economy currently stands compared to four years ago and pre-pandemic.

For policymakers, administrators, workforce system boards and providers, and other partners interested in taking action informed by data, the Annual Update can help identify the workforce challenges Pennsylvania must address to build a thriving economy for all workers and businesses. 

Key Findings in the Annual Labor Market Update

Pennsylvania’s Labor Economy of the Last Two Years Has Been Healthy 

As highlighted in prior “Workforce Trends” reports, Pennsylvania’s economy in the last couple of years experienced, by several measures, the tightest labor market on record. The number of jobs in Pennsylvania increased steadily, providing employment for most Pennsylvania workers seeking a job. 

Available Workers and Jobs Have Rebalanced

The most recent months of data reveal a labor market rebalancing. Pennsylvania no longer has substantially more job openings than unemployed workers. Quit rates, one symptom of individual worker leverage, have dipped. The data also show that, even in the tighter labor market of 2023 and 2024, Pennsylvania made limited progress on some of our most vexing long-term labor market challenges, such as wage stagnation and large-scale joblessness among prime-age men (25-54 years old).

Workforce Development Remains Vital

In recent months, the economic challenges faced by non-college workers – nearly two-thirds of U.S. workers – have received unprecedented attention. Policy shifts outside the field of workforce development, most prominently on trade and immigration, have been in the limelight in national discussions. Also, expressed has been bipartisan support at the national and state levels for expanding apprenticeships. Given the high share of prime-age men without jobs, one in seven in Pennsylvania, and the long-term wage stagnation experienced by workers without a college degree, robust workforce development services and direct job creation must be part of national and state policy going forward.

A Snapshot of Pennsylvania’s Economy and Workforce

Pennsylvania’s Economy is Healthy, with Lower Unemployment Rates in Every Workforce Development Area Than Pre-Pandemic

Since 2022, the Pennsylvania labor market has offered robust job opportunities to our workers.

In December 2024 (the latest data available), Pennsylvania had 139,600 more jobs than in January 2020, the peak employment before the pandemic. Our job growth remained steady throughout 2024 and exceeded U.S. job growth in the year’s second half. Pennsylvania job growth usually runs along at only half of U.S. job growth.

The Pennsylvania unemployment rate equaled 3.6% in December 2024. Before mid-2022, the unemployment rate in Pennsylvania never dropped below 4%, going back to January 1976 (when the current state unemployment rate data series began). In the 30 months since July 2022, Pennsylvania’s unemployment rate has been at or below 4%.

Unemployment rates remain lower in every county and every Local Workforce Development Area (LWDA) than before the pandemic, with the drop in unemployment largest in the western half of Pennsylvania.

For an extended period from the summer of 2021 to late 2024, Pennsylvania had fewer unemployed workers than job openings for the first time on record. This ratio fell to 0.6 unemployed workers for each job opening at one point.

Recent Labor Market Tightening Shows an Increasingly Difficult Market for Workers, Stagnating Wages

In November 2024, the ratio of unemployed workers to job openings climbed back to one-to-one, giving workers less choice of jobs and employers more choice of workers.

Quit rates in Pennsylvania declined in recent months to 1.7%, down from a peak of 2.8% in May 2022. This suggests that workers have declining confidence in their ability to find an equivalent or better job if they quit.

Virtually all of Pennsylvania’s rural and western Local Workforce Development Areas (LWDAs) have fewer jobs now than before the pandemic. The eight LWDAs that saw the biggest job declines (in percent) are all in western Pennsylvania. Population trends leading to declining labor forces in these areas drive declining job numbers and low unemployment.

While inflation-adjusted wages grew 5% to 10% from 2019-2023 in the bottom half of the earnings distribution, they didn’t grow much. Updated data show that average weekly wages grew even less from 2019 to 2024. A big reason is the high rate of inflation in 2021 and 2022.

Prime-Age Men Struggle to Reach Historic Employment Levels

In 2023 (the most recent data), about 361,000 prime-age Pennsylvania men did not have jobs, an improvement from approximately 390,000 in 2019. We need another 260,000 jobs to return to 1960s employment rates for prime-age men. Eight of the 22 Workforce Development Areas have a prime-age employment rate of less than 80% – meaning that more than two of every 10 prime-age men are not employed.

One factor contributing to limited progress on prime-age male employment: Pennsylvania manufacturing and construction employment levels are still 1.6% below their pre-pandemic levels. Low blue-collar job growth highlights the importance of maintaining policies that grow public and private investment in manufacturing and construction.

“Pennsylvania’s long-term challenges underscore the continuing importance of workforce development services,” said Carrie Amann. “To boost jobs in western Pennsylvania, raise male employment rates, and achieve more substantial wage growth for non-college workers, we need to expand credential attainment and on-the-job training aligned with employer demand and  invest in barrier removal and retention supports customized to the needs of particular workers. The data also suggest that there is no escaping the need for direct job creation to reattach the long-term unemployed to the job market.”

The Pennsylvania Workforce Development Association (PWDA) serves as the voice of the Pennsylvania workforce development system and a clearinghouse for workforce development information statewide. Known forPennsylvania’s premier annual workforce development gathering every spring, we provide development and capacity building opportunities to workforce development professionals, local workforce development boards (WDBs), and other stakeholders while continuing proactive advocacy efforts on behalf of Pennsylvania’s workforce development system. Learn more by visiting 

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Pennsylvania Workforce Development Association Responds to Governor Shapiro’s Budget Address

HARRISBURG – Today, Governor Josh Shapiro delivered his annual budget address, outlining his administration’s priorities for the upcoming fiscal year. The Pennsylvania Workforce Development Association (PWDA) welcomes the governor’s focus on workforce development, and we look forward to working with the administration to ensure that every Pennsylvanian has access to the skills and training they need to thrive in today’s economy.

“Workforce development has been a bipartisan priority in Harrisburg and remains at the forefront of priorities for Pennsylvania employers, job seekers and communities,” said Carrie Amann, Executive Director of the Pennsylvania Workforce Development Association. “We are encouraged by the governor’s commitment to Pennsylvania’s economic growth and stand ready to collaborate with policymakers to make Pennsylvania’s workforce development system the strongest in the nation.”

In addition to key investments like Industry Partnerships, the Pennsylvania Workforce Development Association encourages the administration and the legislature to make critical investments in youth workforce development. Pennsylvania’s economy cannot wait – as Pennsylvania’s workforce ages, we need commonwealth-wide investments and programs to help prepare young people for careers in Pennsylvania. Our local workforce development system stands ready to keep young people living and working throughout the Commonwealth.

Governor Shapiro highlighted B. Braun Medical Inc. in his budget address as a leading life sciences company that contributes significantly to Pennsylvania’s economy by sourcing $200 million in raw materials and equipment from over 100 Pennsylvania-based suppliers. PWDA was proud to recognize B. Braun at its 2024 Annual Conference with the Governor’s Employer Award for Achievement for the company’s commitment to workforce development and investment in Pennsylvania’s workforce.

B. Braun’s success exemplifies the impact that strong workforce partnerships can have on economic growth. Their dedication to hiring skilled workers and investing in local talent underscores the importance of continued workforce development initiatives in Pennsylvania.

Additionally, the Pennsylvania Workforce Development Association will continue to advocate for legislation to #FreetheData, ensuring that employer and jobseeker success is prioritized and workforce boards have timely access to the readily available information they need to maximize investments and impact. 

The Pennsylvania Workforce Development Association (PWDA) serves as the voice of the Pennsylvania workforce development system and a clearinghouse for workforce development information statewide. Known for Pennsylvania’s premier annual workforce development gathering every spring, we provide development and capacity buildingopportunities to workforce development professionals, local workforce development boards (WDBs), and other stakeholders while continuing proactive advocacy efforts on behalf of Pennsylvania’s workforce development system. Learn more by visiting 

Pennsylvania Workforce Development Association Report Shows PA Wages Rising Faster Than Pre-Pandemic Levels, United States Average

Harrisburg, PA – Today, the Pennsylvania Workforce Development Association (PWDA) released its latest “Pennsylvania Workforce Trends” report, revealing that recent wage growth in Pennsylvania surpasses pre-pandemic levels and outpaces the national average. “Pennsylvania’s Workforce Trends” is part of a series on the latest workforce development and labor market information impacting Pennsylvania that distills critical information for policymakers and stakeholders to develop responsive workforce development policy.

“Pennsylvania’s wage growth is ahead of both its pre-pandemic levels and the national average,” said Carrie Amann, Executive Director of the Pennsylvania Workforce Development Association. “In Pennsylvania, we’re seeing strong wage growth for many workers including lower-wage workers, indicating a period of opportunity as employers are willing to pay more to attract and retain talent. Our workforce development system now has a unique chance to help more Pennsylvanians share in this prosperity.”

Key Findings:

  • Pennsylvania Wage Growth Exceeding Pre-Pandemic Levels: Pennsylvania’s inflation-adjusted wages in 2023 have not only returned to but slightly exceeded their pre-pandemic levels. The Bureau of Labor Statistics also reports nearly a 4% increase in average hourly earnings for non-supervisory employees from 2019 to mid-2024.
  • Pennsylvania Wage Growth Outpaces U.S.: Pennsylvania’s overall wage growth from 2019 to 2023 has been slightly faster than the U.S. average. Pennsylvania’s wages have grown across all income levels but still lag the U.S.’s at lower income levels. In the 10th percentile, U.S. wages grew by 13.4%, compared to 9.2% in Pennsylvania, likely due to other states raising their minimum wages. In 2023, Pennsylvania’s median wage reached 104% of the national median wage, its highest level since 1997. 
  • Wage Growth By Local Workforce Development Areas (LWDAs): From the first quarter of 2019 to the fourth quarter of 2023, 15 of Pennsylvania’s 22 LWDAs saw growth in average weekly wages. Lancaster County led with a 6.3% increase, likely due to its low unemployment rate. However, some suburban Philadelphia counties experienced wage declines during this period, including Montgomery, Delaware, and Chester Counties.

The Pennsylvania Workforce Development Association (PWDA) serves as the voice of the Pennsylvania workforce development system and a clearinghouse for workforce development information statewide. Known for Pennsylvania’s premier annual workforce development gathering every spring, we provide development and capacity building opportunities to workforce development professionals, local workforce development boards (WDBs), and other stakeholders while continuing proactive advocacy efforts on behalf of Pennsylvania’s workforce development system. Learn more by visiting

Click on the image below for the full report.

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PWDA and PACTA Highlight Key Workforce, CTE Investments in the State Budget

Harrisburg, PA—Yesterday, the Pennsylvania General Assembly passed the 2024-25 state budget, which included funding for critical workforce development and career and technical education (CTE) programs. The newly approved budget includes funding increases for CTE and apprenticeships, which will help prepare our workforce for the future and drive economic growth. The Pennsylvania Workforce Development Association (PWDA) and Pennsylvania Association of Career and Technical Administrators (PACTA) released the following statement.

“Lawmakers have prioritized workforce development and career and technical education in policy and funding over the past several years. There is an increased recognition that there are many pathways to good careers, and the commonwealth must support whatever path people choose to build a life and career in our commonwealth. This year’s budget makes important investments in programs that support our workforce development system and our career and technical education students and drive our economy. We look forward to discussions with lawmakers about how to continue building a robust workforce development system that serves all of our stakeholders, from students to workers to job seekers and businesses.”

Career and Technical Education (CTE)

The budget provides significant investments in CTE, including a $12.7 million increase (12%) for the CTE subsidy, boosting it to $144,138, and a $5 million increase (33%) for CTE equipment grants, ensuring state-of-the-art resources for training programs. 

Throughout the budget process, PACTA advocated for increases in the subsidy and equipment grant, reaching out to lawmakers and advocating for its members. 

Workforce Development

The budget provides a $2 million increase for apprenticeship training, raising the total to $12.5 million—a 19% boost. The funding will help expand hands-on training and skills development for Pennsylvania workers.

Earlier this year, PWDA and PACTA released a briefing on Pennsylvania’s “State of Apprenticeships” that the organizations developed through conversations with stakeholders and participants following the 2023 ApprenticeshipPA Collaborative & Expo. The briefing provided important insight into apprenticeships and should drive the implementation of apprenticeships and funding at the state level. The organizations will hold the 2024 ApprenticeshipPA Collaborative & Expo this fall. 

There is still more to be done to support important workforce development programs. For example, despite significant budget investments, the final budget did not include the governor’s proposed funding increase for Industry Partnerships.

“We look forward to continued conversations with lawmakers so we can prioritize workforce development and career and technical education investments in the coming years. We can build the strongest workforce in the nation – right here in Pennsylvania – but we need to take a comprehensive look at our systems and ensure we are putting our money where our mouths are.” 

The Pennsylvania Workforce Development Association (PWDA) serves as the voice of the Pennsylvania workforce development system and a clearinghouse for workforce development information statewide. Known for Pennsylvania’s premier annual workforce development gathering every spring, we provide development and capacity building opportunities to workforce development professionals, local workforce development boards (WDBs), and other stakeholders while continuing proactive advocacy efforts on behalf of Pennsylvania’s workforce development system. Learn more by visiting

The Pennsylvania Association of Career and Technical Administrators (PACTA) strives to promote excellence in career and technical education through leadership, advocacy and service. Learn more by visiting

#FreetheData Bill Passes PA Senate

PWDA Thanks Legislators for Commitment to Improve PA’s Workforce Development System

Harrisburg, PA — Today, legislation to #FreetheData passed the Pennsylvania Senate 48-0. The bill will #FreetheData, providing workforce boards and stakeholders with enhanced access to critical workforce information, ensuring that workforce boards and other stakeholders have timely data from the Commonwealth so they can better serve jobseekers, workers, and businesses. The Pennsylvania Workforce Development Association is leading a coalition of business organizations, labor unions, and social service agencies in a campaign to pass legislation allowing better access to workforce data from the Commonwealth. 

“We’re thankful that legislation to #FreetheData has taken an important step forward by passing the Senate,” said Carrie Amann, Executive Director of the Pennsylvania Workforce Development Association. “The bill will empower workforce boards and stakeholders with real-time, invaluable data, fostering more informed decision-making and a deeper understanding of the ever-evolving workforce landscape. We are proud of all our partners’ work in this effort, especially Sen. Camera Bartolotta who introduced the bill.”

Currently, local workforce boards and other stakeholders in Pennsylvania are experiencing a severe data lag that makes it difficult to evaluate and change workforce policies and programs effectively. Specifically, Unemployment Compensation and new hire data can take up to 24 months to access from the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry. Two-year-old data does not provide enough information to redesign programs or processes that improve customer outcomes. In the last several years, we have seen how quickly economic and workforce conditions have changed. We need access to more real-time data that reflect the realities in the field for our workforce development system. 

The proposed legislation to #FreetheData has two primary components. 

First, the Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry should share unemployment claims, unemployment wages, and new hire database information with Pennsylvania’s local workforce development boards and other stakeholders for performance accountability, evaluation, and research. 

Second, the Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry should develop an accessible and usable dashboard platform that allows streamlined, user-friendly access to the data at any point in time.

The Pennsylvania Workforce Development Association is leading a coalition of workforce and community development organizations, including Allies for Children, Builders Guild of Western PA and Pittsburgh Works Together, Keystone Development Partnership, Keystone Research Center, Manufacturers’ Association of South Central PA, National Federation of Independent Business PA, PA Chamber of Business and Industry, Pennsylvania Partnerships for Children, and the United Way of Pennsylvania. 

The Pennsylvania Workforce Development Association (PWDA) serves as the voice of the Pennsylvania workforce development system and a clearinghouse for workforce development information statewide. Known for Pennsylvania’s premier annual workforce development gathering every spring, we provide development and capacity building opportunities to workforce development professionals, local workforce development boards (WDBs), and other stakeholders while continuing proactive advocacy efforts on behalf of Pennsylvania’s workforce development system. Learn more by visiting 

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PWDA Announces Governor’s Employer Award for Achievement for Local Employers and Organizations 

Hershey, PA—Today, the Pennsylvania Workforce Development Association announced that eight local employers and organizations were recipients of the Governor’s Employer Award for Achievement. The awardees will be honored at the Association’s 40th Annual Conference on May 1-3, 2024, in Hershey. The Governor’s Employer Award for Achievement recognizes Pennsylvania employers who support workforce development in our communities. These employers have created jobs and partnered to hire skilled workers through Pennsylvania’s workforce development system.

“Pennsylvania employers are leading the way for our workforce development system, helping to train workers and grow our economy,” said Carrie Amann, Executive Director of the Pennsylvania Workforce Development Association. “Businesses are partnering with the Department of Labor and Industry, as well as our local workforce organizations, to ensure that our workers have the right training for opportunities in their communities. These successful partnerships have made it easier for veterans and those with disabilities to join and succeed in our workforce. We applaud their efforts, and we want them to serve as an example so all Pennsylvanians can have the opportunity to work and prosper in our Commonwealth.

“The Shapiro Administration is committed to advancing real freedom in Pennsylvania and a future where everyone who wants to work – veterans, young people, re-entrants, parents, rural and urban Pennsylvanians, those with or without a college degree – all have the opportunity to earn their way into a good job where they are treated with dignity,” Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry Secretary Nancy A. Walker said. “We invite every Pennsylvania employer to join us on that mission.”

PWDA presents its prestigious Governor’s Achievement Employers Awards with its partners, the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR), the Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry Workforce Deputate (L & I), the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services, and new this year the Pennsylvania Department of Military & Veterans Affairs

2024 Governor’s Employer Award for Achievement: 

B. Braun Medical Inc. | Bethlehem, PA

Winter’s Heating and Air Conditioning, LLC | Lancaster, PA

S.P. McCarl & Company | Altoona, PA

Niagara Cutter, LLC. | Reynoldsville, PA

ELWYN | Elwyn, PA

2024 Recognizing Valor – Employers Hiring Veterans

Mission Critical Solutions | Alum Bank, PA

Ward Manufacturing | Blossburg, PA

UPMC Health Plan | Pittsburgh, PA

Ward Manufacturing, LLC | Blossburg, PA 

Ward is a leading manufacturer of piping components used in thousands of installations worldwide. Building on nearly a century of quality manufacturing, Ward has become a fixture in the global pipe fitting industry. They believe in investing in their employees and creating a supportive work environment. Their culture is built on employees feeling valued and knowing they have a direct line to a career path within the organization. Ward has worked closely with PA CareerLink® Tioga County for many years. They provide priority service to all veterans through their interview process.

Ward Manufacturing, LLC offers two Journeyman Apprenticeships, Pennsylvania State Certified Mechanic and Machinist. Both programs are highly sought after in the Northern Tier Region. Ward is always looking to fill these trainings with highly motivated veterans to utilize the experience and values veterans bring to the workforce.

Ward’s Human Resources worked with the PA CareerLink® Tioga County Disabled Veterans Outreach Program (DVOP) Specialist to enroll a local Veteran into the Mechanic Apprenticeship program. The Veteran overcame his barriers and doubled his income for his growing family while learning a new trade.

UPMC Health Plan | Pittsburgh, PA 

“UPMC Health Plan recognizes the unique skills and values that military veterans offer and appreciate how their experiences can enrich our organization, our members, our patients and the communities we serve,” said Erik Orient, Director, Military Affairs, UPMC Health Plan.  “Our Pathways for Veterans program provides the support, coordination and assistance needed to help those transitioning from military service put their skills to civilian careers in health care.”

It is our honor to recognize UPMC Health Plan as an award winner for being one of the top employers in hiring veterans.

UPMC has received a top 10 ranking as a Military Friendly Employer while being recognized as a Military Spouse Friendly Employer. They have been able to utilize SkillBridge to obtain incredible success, having had 75 participants come through the program. Through the SkillBridge Program, UPMC has been able to help Veterans and their spouses with personalized job searches and application assistance. In addition, UPMC is one of the leading employers in holding military-specific career fairs while providing an employee resource group to help build a culture of camaraderie amongst its peers. UPMC has successfully hired Veterans, transitioning service members back to the keystone state from active-duty installations and facilitating discussions on Veterans and Service Members. 

Additionally, UPMC not only hires veterans but also assists small businesses and other companies in hiring Veterans. 

Mission Critical Solutions (MCS) | Alum Bank, PA 

MCS is recognized for hiring and retaining veterans. Their organization actively seeks out veterans and has a culture that fosters excellence in all they do. They are an ISO 9001-certified metal fabrication shop serving the defense, transportation, energy, mining, and rail industries. They currently employ 80 individuals in Bedford County in the careers of welding, fabricating, and machining, with 60 new hires coming in the last two years and still growing. They have been making significant investments in their equipment, making their company a desired employer for those in the welding and fabricating trades. MCS has also been making a remarkable impact on the local community and workforce by partnering with local schools to provide apprenticeship programs and the Southern Alleghenies OJT program. MCS’s collaboration is particularly noteworthy. MCS is a Five Star Program to Train & Retain employer.

B. Braun Medical Inc | Bethlehem, PA

We were proud to work with our partners to launch the Industrial Training and Education Consortium (iTEC) of the Lehigh Valley. As leaders in the Lehigh Valley, we understand the importance of workforce development and ensuring community members have the training and skills to step into key jobs with us and other local businesses. We knew we needed to simplify alternate career pathways and create a pipeline of skilled, diverse talent for the future workforce. We started this project to achieve this goal, and we already see the benefits of a coordinated approach. We are thankful for the Governor’s Employer Award for Achievement, and we look forward to continuing to build a strong talent pipeline in the Lehigh Valley. – Morten Rasmussen, Corporate Vice President of Operations and Human Resources at B. Braun Medical, and Chair of the iTEC Management Council 

Under the strategic leadership of B. Braun Medical Inc., a consortium of manufacturing-related employers, workforce development directed by the Workforce Board Lehigh Valley, economic development, education, and community partners launched the Industrial Training and Education Consortium of the Lehigh Valley (iTEC) in October 2023. 

The iTEC is a first-of-its-kind regional apprenticeship and pre-apprenticeship program established to provide industrial skills training and talent development. Morten Rasmussen, Corporate Vice President, Operations Human Resources for B. Braun Medical Inc. and Workforce Board Lehigh Valley Board member, serves as Chair of the iTEC Management Council, states, “iTEC was envisioned as a way for local manufacturers and their training partners to simplify alternate career pathways and create a pipeline of skilled, diverse talent for the future workforce.”

As echoed by Gwen Ross, Director of Workforce Development Initiatives, PA Department of Community & Economic Development, “The iTEC program is fully aligned with Governor Shapiro’s focus on expanding apprenticeship opportunities to support Pennsylvania’s innovation economy….and is precisely the kind of public/private partnership we need to create more high- quality jobs with strong potential for upward mobility to drive economic growth in the Lehigh Valley and across the Commonwealth.”

Apprenticeship certifications, educational outreach, and training for company mentors are administered by the German American Chamber of Commerce, which, along with private-sector employers, sponsors registered apprenticeships. To galvanize this employer-driven non-profit initiative, the Workforce Board partnered with B. Braun Medical to accelerate and enhance the multi-employer iTEC model, thereby increasing the pipeline of registered apprentices and pre-apprentices in high-priority occupations, such as mechatronics, industrial manufacturing technicians, chemical lab technicians, and machinists, and more.

The closely aligned partnership between B. Braun Medical Inc. and Workforce Board Lehigh Valley has accelerated and enhanced iTEC’s goals by defraying business and industry costs of onboarding and on-the-job training, classroom training, and supportive services related to Registered Apprentices and Pre-Apprentices. 

Winter’s Heating and Air Conditioning, LLC | Lancaster, PA

Winter’s Heating and Air Conditioning, LLC has demonstrated excellence in partnering with the workforce development system and creating family-sustaining job opportunities for Pennsylvania workers. The Lancaster County Workforce Development Board nominated them for the award. The board found that the partnership with Mr. Melvin Winter was strong from day one. They worked together to create a Paid Work Experience (PWE) with our youth program and an On-the-Job Training (OJT) with the Re-Entry Program. Another OJT partnership is in progress with the Adult and Dislocated Worker Program. Winter’s Heating and Air Conditioning worked seamlessly with the PA CareerLink® team to process everything and forge ahead with a smile.

When one of the On-the-Job Training (OJT) participants could not complete the OJT, Mr. Winter gave him a fully equipped toolbelt to take with him on his next journey. Mr. Winter’s actions define excellence in demonstrating true support for an individual. He created the opportunity to transition and carry on. Mr. Winter also visits school districts and presents information on the trade of becoming an HVAC Technician. He is a second-chance employer and strongly supports our Veterans. 

S.P. McCarl & Co., | Altoona, PA

Over the past year, Burke & Company, LLC dba S. P. McCarl & Co. has emerged as an outstanding collaborator, consistently going above and beyond to engage with the workforce development system. The Southern Alleghenies Workforce Development Board nominated them for the award. Burke & Company, LLC dba S. P. Mccarl & Co. has attended local job fairs, participated in tandem On-the-Job Training (OJT) programs, and showcased a deep commitment to employee success.

One of Burke & Company, LLC dba S. P. McCarl & Co.’s remarkable contributions is their active involvement in multiple workforce programs. Their participation in a unique trade-focused On-the-Job Training (OJT) initiative, a rarity in the region, has yielded tremendous success. By embracing this innovative approach, Burke & Company, LLC dba S. P. McCarl & Co. demonstrated a commitment to their workforce and addressed the shortage of trade programs in the area.

The impact of Burke & Company, LLC dba S. P. McCarl & Co. extends beyond conventional hiring practices. Their openness to diverse backgrounds and industries stands out. Burke & Company, LLC dba S. P. McCarl & Co. understands that success is not confined to specific experiences or qualifications. They have embraced individuals from varied backgrounds, fostering an inclusive workplace that thrives on diversity.

In addition to traditional engagement, Burke & Company, LLC dba S. P. McCarl & Co. has actively participated in video marketing initiatives. They provided recorded testimonials, speaking about their positive experiences with PA CareerLink® and sharing success stories. This collaborative effort has showcased the symbiotic partnership between Burke & Company, LLC dba S. P. McCarl & Co. and PA CareerLink® and highlighted the success stories of individuals who found meaningful employment through their programs.

Furthermore, Burke & Company, LLC dba S. P. McCarl & Co.’s commitment to the community extends beyond immediate hiring needs. Their presence at local job fairs has not only been a recruitment effort but a demonstration of a genuine commitment to the economic and workforce development of Blair County.

Niagara Cutter, LLC | Reynoldsville, PA

In the short time Niagara Cutter, LLC partnered with the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR), they have made a lasting impact.

Last March, the Reynoldsville, PA, cutting tools provider helped an individual with a disability access meaningful employment by creating a job for them, giving them a significant opportunity to succeed.

Last year, Niagara Cutter participated in its first On-the-Job Training (OJT) with a recently graduated high school student. The student succeeded in his OJT and is now employed full-time at Niagara Cutter. During his time with the company, he has been promoted. 

After these successes, Niagara Cutter wanted to invest more in the success of students with disabilities. To assist students in surrounding school districts in gaining hands-on experience in the field of manufacturing, Niagara Cutter partnered with OVR to offer students Paid Work Experiences (PWEs) and Community Work Instruction.

Looking to the future, Niagara Cutter has been in contact with the Hiram G. Andrews Center as a possible site for an externship. In the summer of 2024, they plan to assist eight students and include them in another Community Work Instruction. For the 2024-2025 school year, Niagara Cutter and OVR plan to offer a non-permanent OJT along with the local Vo-Tech program to allow students to gain experience in their field as well as provide them with a valuable reference that they will be able to use in their career exploration after high school graduation.

ELWYN | Elwyn, PA

Elwyn is a nonprofit human services organization based in Media, Pennsylvania. The Business Services Team at the Delco EARN Center in Chester, PA, nominated Elwyn for the award. They have partnered to place approximately 40 people in their respective career fields, and the number continues to grow. 

Established in 1852, Elwyn has a long history of providing support and services promoting inclusivity, independence, and quality of life for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. By offering a continuum of care that spans education, housing, employment, and community engagement, Elwyn addresses the holistic needs of Its diverse clientele. The advocacy and support, community integration, and life skill development that Elwyn provides are why they play such a crucial role in our community. 

Elwyn is a great employer because it takes a chance on people whom other employers often overlook. Kolin Corbin, the Corporate Recruiter, is open-minded and willing to meet and speak with any individual, no matter the situation. Often, they have conversations about a person’s career and how Elwyn can help them get to where they want to be. Elwyn is looking for people passionate about work who want to improve their lives—often helping people with gaps in their employment and a lack of experience. They are always willing to meet with our clients on-site and attend our hiring events and job fairs. 

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#FreetheData Bill Passes Senate Labor and Industry Committee

PWDA Thanks Legislators for Commitment to Improve PA’s Workforce Development System

Harrisburg, PA — Yesterday, legislation to #FreetheData passed the Senate Labor and Industry Committee unanimously with eleven votes in favor

The bill will #FreetheData, providing workforce boards and stakeholders with enhanced access to critical workforce information, ensuring that workforce boards and other stakeholders have timely data from the Commonwealth so they can better serve jobseekers, workers, and businesses. The Pennsylvania Workforce Development Association is leading a coalition of business organizations, labor unions, and social service agencies in a campaign to pass legislation allowing better access to workforce data from the Commonwealth. 

“We’re thankful that legislation to #FreetheData has taken an important step forward by passing the Senate Labor and Industry Committee,” said Carrie Amann, Executive Director of the Pennsylvania Workforce Development Association. “The bill will empower workforce boards and stakeholders with real-time, invaluable data, fostering more informed decision-making and a deeper understanding of the ever-evolving workforce landscape. We are proud of all our partners’ work in this effort, especially Sen. Camera Bartolotta who introduced the bill.”

Currently, local workforce boards and other stakeholders in Pennsylvania are experiencing a severe data lag that makes it difficult to evaluate and change workforce policies and programs effectively. Specifically, Unemployment Compensation and new hire data can take up to 24 months to access from the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry. Two-year-old data does not provide enough information to redesign programs or processes that improve customer outcomes. In the last several years, we have seen how quickly economic and workforce conditions have changed. We need access to more real-time data that reflect the realities in the field for our workforce development system. 

The proposed legislation to #FreetheData has two primary components. 

First, the Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry should share unemployment claims, unemployment wages, and new hire database information with Pennsylvania’s local workforce development boards and other stakeholders for performance accountability, evaluation, and research. 

Second, the Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry should develop an accessible and usable dashboard platform that allows streamlined, user-friendly access to the data at any point in time.

The Pennsylvania Workforce Development Association is leading a coalition of workforce and community development organizations, including Allies for Children, Builders Guild of Western PA and Pittsburgh Works Together, Keystone Development Partnership, Keystone Research Center, Manufacturers’ Association of South Central PA, National Federation of Independent Business PA, PA Chamber of Business and Industry, Pennsylvania Partnerships for Children, and the United Way of Pennsylvania. 

The Pennsylvania Workforce Development Association (PWDA) serves as the voice of the Pennsylvania workforce development system and a clearinghouse for workforce development information statewide. Known for Pennsylvania’s premier annual workforce development gathering every spring, we provide development and capacity building opportunities to workforce development professionals, local workforce development boards (WDBs), and other stakeholders while continuing proactive advocacy efforts on behalf of Pennsylvania’s workforce development system. Learn more by visiting 

21 Local Workforce Development Boards Endorse PWDA’s Campaign to Improve Data Collection, Transparency

Improving Access to Workforce Data will Better Serve Local Economies & Communities

Harrisburg, PA – Today, the Pennsylvania Workforce Development Association announced that 21 local workforce development boards have endorsed the association’s #FreetheData campaign. In a letter to legislators, leaders of the local workforce development boards asked for more real-time data that reflect the realities in the field for our workforce development system. 

Currently, data shared by the Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry is limited to federal compliance reporting. As workforce development becomes critically important to supporting communities across Pennsylvania, equipping local organizations with the available data to inform and improve services is vital.  

“A simple policy change like #FreetheData can make our programs stronger and more responsive,” said the leaders of the Local Workforce Development Boards. “It can help match employers and job seekers and provide the right training programs for emerging skills and market needs. It promotes shared responsibility and collaboration between the state and local workforce systems and eliminates administrative burdens that often become roadblocks to improving services.” 

Local workforce boards and other stakeholders in Pennsylvania are experiencing a severe data lag that makes it difficult to evaluate and change workforce policies and programs effectively. Specifically, Unemployment Compensation and new hire data can take up to 24 months to access from the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry. Two-year-old data does not provide enough information to redesign programs or processes that improve customer outcomes. In the last several years, we have seen how quickly economic and workforce conditions have changed. We need access to more real-time data that reflect the realities in the field for our workforce development system. 

The proposed legislation to #FreetheData has two primary components. 

First, the Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry should share unemployment claims, unemployment wages, and new hire database information with Pennsylvania’s local workforce development boards and other stakeholders for performance accountability, evaluation, and research. 

Second, the Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry should develop an accessible and usable dashboard platform that allows streamlined, user-friendly access to the data at any point in time.

The Pennsylvania Workforce Development Association is leading a coalition of workforce and community development organizations, including Allies for Children, Builders Guild of Western PA and Pittsburgh Works Together, Keystone Development Partnership, Keystone Research Center, Manufacturers’ Association of South Central PA, National Federation of Independent Business PA, PA Chamber of Business and Industry, Pennsylvania Partnerships for Children, and the United Way of Pennsylvania. 


Dear [Legislator]

We appreciate all of the work you have done to make Pennsylvania’s workforce development system solid and responsive to the needs of job seekers, workers, and businesses. Pennsylvania is facing an unprecedented economic environment. 

Businesses, public private partnerships, non profits, and academic institutions must make sure employers can find the skilled talent they need, and jobseekers can access family-sustaining employment. 

Local Workforce Development Boards are the first point of contact for those seeking to improve their skills, find quality employment, or build their workforce. We sit at the intersection of employers, education, and workers.

Our interventions and initiatives provide meaningful outcomes and help to match unemployed workers with open positions in a timely manner and grow knowledge and skills. Like all organizations, we need to be able to evaluate and change our workforce practices, policies and programs as we learn more about the results.  

It’s difficult to do this without data. 

In the last several years, economic and workforce conditions have changed quickly. All organizations need access to more real-time data that reflect the realities in the field for our workforce development system. 

Currently, data shared by the Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry is limited to federal compliance reporting; our #FreetheData effort promotes a movement that focuses on continuous improvement and performance evaluation for all of Pennsylvania’s communities.

Pennsylvania already collects and protects workforce data on unemployment claimants, unemployment wages, and new hires. This is not asking for new data. It is simply the data that the commonwealth already receives, but provided in a more timely and usable manner. 

By accessing existing data, organizations – like local workforce development boards – can more efficiently address service delivery gaps and improve government transparency and openness.

The legislature and the Shapiro Administration should consider and pass legislation to fix this problem and allow organizations to provide timely services to workers, job seekers, and employers. 

Legislation to #FreetheData should have two primary components. 

First, the Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry should share unemployment claims, unemployment wages, and new hire database information with a variety of trusted stakeholders including Pennsylvania’s local workforce development boards for performance accountability, evaluation, and research.

Second, the Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry should develop an accessible and usable dashboard platform that allows streamlined, user-friendly access to the data at any point in time. This dashboard approach promotes equity in the data access and overcomes the analysis constraints that rural and smaller non-profit boards may face. 

A simple policy change like #FreetheData can make our programs stronger and more responsive. It can help match employers and job seekers and provide the right training programs for emerging skills and market needs. It promotes shared responsibility and collaboration between the state and local workforce systems and eliminates administrative burdens that often become roadblocks to improving services. 

Please consider legislation to #FreetheData so organizations like ours can help businesses and workers build the right programs and initiatives for workers, businesses, and job seekers. 

Thank you for your focus and work on improving our commonwealth’s workforce. 


Carrie Amann, Executive Director

PA Workforce Development Association

Ami Gatts, PresidentSouthwest Corner Workforce Development BoardErica Mulberger, Executive DirectorAdvance Central PA
Janet Ward, Executive DirectorWestmoreland-Fayette Workforce Development BoardH. Patrick Clancy, President & CEOPhiladelphia Works
Anna Ramos, Executive DirectorLancaster County Workforce Development BoardJesse McCree, CEOSCPA Works
Robert Cherry, CEOPartner4WorkKate McGeever, DirectorDelaware County Workforce Development Board
Virginia Turano, Executive DirectorLackawanna County Workforce Development BoardPatricia Lenahan, Executive DirectorLuzerne-Schuylkill Workforce Investment Board
Jennifer Butler, Executive DirectorMontcoWorksLisa Miller, DirectorNWPA Job Connect
Sam Hellen, Executive DirectorPoconos Workforce Development BoardBillie Barnes, Executive DirectorCounty of Bucks Workforce & Economic Development
Jeanette Roman, DirectorChester County Workforce Development BoardMelissa Fleming, Deputy DirectorNorthern Tier Workforce Development Board
Jennifer Sklodowski, DirectorSouthern Alleghenies Workforce Development BoardMary Salony, Executive DirectorTri-County Workforce Investment Board
Gregg Dogan, Chief Administrative OfficerWest Central PA Job PartnershipNancy Dischinat, Executive DirectorWorkforce Board Lehigh Valley
Pam Streich, DirectorWorkforce Solutions for North Central PA

The Pennsylvania Workforce Development Association (PWDA) serves as the voice of the Pennsylvania workforce development system and a clearinghouse for workforce development information statewide. Known for Pennsylvania’s premier annual workforce development gathering every spring, we provide development and capacity building opportunities to workforce development professionals, local workforce development boards (WDBs), and other stakeholders while continuing proactive advocacy efforts on behalf of Pennsylvania’s workforce development system. Learn more by visiting 

PWDA & PACTA Release “State of Apprenticeships” in Pennsylvania 

Survey of Apprenticeship Leaders Find PA Needs More Investment in Apprenticeships, Shorten Approval Times 

Harrisburg, PA: Today, the Pennsylvania Workforce Development Association (PWDA) and the Pennsylvania Association of Career and Technical Administrators (PACTA) released a briefing on Pennsylvania’s “State of Apprenticeships” that the organizations developed through conversations with stakeholders and participants following the 2023 ApprenticeshipPA Collaborative & Expo. The brief summarizes the town hall discussions and provides insight from employers with particular emphasis on the manufacturing industry, educators & training providers, labor organizations, workforce development professionals, and apprenticeship experts.

“Apprenticeship provides tangible opportunities for Pennsylvania students, job seekers, and workers to find and keep sustainable employment and for Pennsylvania employers to find and keep skilled talent,” said Carrie Amann, the Executive Director of the Pennsylvania Workforce Development Association. “Pennsylvania’s strategic priorities to invest in and expand apprenticeship is critical. The ability for a worker to be employed with access to sustainable wages and growth potential while ensuring they have the right skills and abilities to perform their duties effectively is the basic principle for apprenticeships.” 

“In 2023, a key component of ApprenticeshipPA were town halls to hear from apprenticeship experts, interested parties, and stakeholders to provide insight into apprenticeship programs in the Commonwealth,” said John Pulver, Executive Director of PACTA. “We know that we need to identify what works, what barriers exist, and how to make sure apprenticeships in Pennsylvania serve the needs of workers and employers.

The brief found that there is power in collaboration. All stakeholder groups valued the connection to regional intermediaries such as the Keystone Apprenticeship Alliance and ApprenticeshipPHL. The group sponsors approach also provides scalable progress for expanding apprenticeships for small and medium-sized businesses. 

Respondents say apprenticeship is the only viable solution to our workforce shortages and skills gaps if employers adopt it. The process of getting a registered program developed and approved takes too long. Employers report a 1-3 year-long registration process for apprenticeships. 

There are three important next steps for policymakers and practitioners:

  1. We need to shift all apprenticeships into a jobs-first approach. Embedding a “learning by doing” model in the workplace is a win/win for workers and employers.
  2. There needs to be more transparency to shed light and redesign the registration, application development, and approval process for apprenticeships.
  3. We need to invest in what’s working. We must scale regional intermediaries and group activities that expand programs and the number of apprentices.

The Pennsylvania Workforce Development Association (PWDA) serves as the voice of the Pennsylvania workforce development system and a clearinghouse for workforce development information statewide. Known for Pennsylvania’s premier annual workforce development gathering every spring, we provide development and capacity building opportunities to workforce development professionals, local workforce development boards (WDBs), and other stakeholders while continuing proactive advocacy efforts on behalf of Pennsylvania’s workforce development system. Learn more by visiting

The Pennsylvania Association of Career and Technical Administrators strives to promote excellence in career and technical education through leadership, advocacy and service. Learn more by visiting

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PWDA Encouraged by Workforce Investments in Gov. Shapiro’s Budget Proposal 

Harrisburg, PA – Today, Gov. Josh Shapiro released his 2024-25 budget proposal. Carrie Amann, the Executive Director of the Pennsylvania Workforce Development Association, released the following statement. 

“We’re encouraged that Gov. Shapiro recognizes the importance of workforce development and robust and diverse career pathways.  

As our most recent Pennsylvania Workforce Trends report found, Pennsylvania has more job openings than workers. It is a mismatch driven by demographics and skills. 

If we want to bridge this gap, we need to make investments that strengthen pathways for Pennsylvanians to enter and keep quality jobs. 

The Governor’s investments in Industry Partnerships provide employers with the necessary resources to identify the needs and gaps of our workforce and train workers to reach their career pathway potential. Additionally, the proposed new model of higher education presents a critical connection with Pennsylvania’s workforce development system to education. We are also interested in the Governor’s proposal to support youth internships as well as the aim to build a one-stop-shop for career pathways. We are hopeful that the administration engages the Association and its members as it develops these models in support of our workforce system.

Pennsylvania’s local workforce development system sits at the intersection of industry, the workforce, and education. Workforce development is bipartisan, and we look forward to working with the administration and the legislature to build the strongest workforce in the nation.”

The Pennsylvania Workforce Development Association (PWDA) serves as the voice of the Pennsylvania workforce development system and a clearinghouse for workforce development information statewide. Known for Pennsylvania’s premier annual workforce development gathering every spring, we provide development and capacity building opportunities to workforce development professionals, local workforce development boards (WDBs), and other stakeholders while continuing proactive advocacy efforts on behalf of Pennsylvania’s workforce development system. Learn more by visiting