
PA state system of higher ed Chancellor Greenstein to be sworn in today


He’s been leading Pennsylvania system of 14 state-owned universities since September, but Dan Greenstein will be sworn in today as chancellor of the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education (PASSHE).

For those who don’t remember, Dr. Greenstein became PASSHE’s fifth chancellor on Sept. 4, 2018, replacing former chancellor Frank Brogan, who retired on Sept. 1 after serving as chancellor for four years (Brogan is now the U.S. assistant secretary for elementary and secondary education). For the six year prior to his being selected as PASSHE chancellor, Greenstein served as director of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’s Post Secondary Success Strategy, where he worked with other higher education leaders across the country on initiatives designed to raise educational-attainment levels and to promote economic mobility, especially among low-income and minority students.

Prior to join the Gates Foundation, he spent 10 years as provost in the 10-campus University of California system overseeing system-wide academic planning and programs, including the University of California Press; the California Digital Library; the UC system’s Education Abroad Program; internship programs in Washington, D.C., and Sacramento; and UC Online Education. Today’s event, which is to be attended by Gov. Tom Wolf, is to begin at 11:45 a.m. in Conference Rooms A/B/C of the Dixon University Center, located at 2986 North Second Street in Harrisburg.